Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sleepovers & Birthdays

Over the weekend we had our first sleepover with Miss Miley. Megan & Rob had a holiday party to attend so we were excited to have her stay with us. I picked her up on my way home from work and we spent the night playing, bathing, eating and taking pictures. I had to go to work the next morning at 6:45am so Clint took the morning shift as Miley decided to wake up nice and early to help Aunt Carrie get ready for work! We had a blast with her and can't wait for her next sleepover!
Uncle Clint and Miley in the wee hours of Saturday morning... what a trooper, thanks babe!

Bath time fun!

On the 23rd we celebrated puppy birthdays! We don't actually know when they were born but December 23rd is the date we adopted Payton and when we got Geordie 6 months later her vet estimated her to be about 18months so we have decided to celebrate both on 12/23. I know kinda silly to some of you that we celebrate our dogs birthdays but if you haven't figured it out by now... our dogs are our babies. They are part of the family not just pets! So for their birthday I went to Three Dog Bakery for treats... this is usually unheard of at our house. The girls each got a brownie and a small cake and a new toy as well. I was very impressed with the bakery. The staff was friendly and helpful and the prices weren't so bad. I found out they make actual cakes so I have a feeling the girls will get their first real birthday cake next year.
Happy Birthday Payton (4 years old) and Geordie (3 years old)!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our Gals

The true personality of our gals...
Payton wanting to be the center of attention and Geordie just wanting to be a goof!
Most of the pictures we took Geordie has her paw over her eyes. (I don't have them on my computer or you would have gotten that!)
I think it is funny how they each have their own personality and their own way of doing things. Anyone who says dogs don't think, understand, or feel is CRAZY!!!! Our dogs are like our kids... they just walk on 4 legs and have fur... close enough!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Yesterday we had a friend day. We visited friends that recently had twins... absolutely adorable kiddos! We hadn't seen them since they got home from the hospital a couple weeks ago. I am always amazed at how quickly babies change and grow! It was so great to see them and catch up with our friends. Then we went out to dinner with some other friends for a birthday. It was great to catch up and have some time to talk about what's been going on and laugh together. Some times I think we don't see our friends enough but I suppose it makes the times we do get together that much more special. True friends are hard to find. I am so thankful for the friends we have.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas shopping

I would just like to voice my frustration with the holiday season. Christmas is no longer the celebration of Jesus' birth, it is the holiday to buy big, eat big and be rude. Clint and I went Christmas shopping today and everywhere was super busy! It seems any store I set foot in around this time of year is jammed packed and the majority of the people could care less if they walk in front of you, bump in to you or snatch something off the shelf just as you go to grab for it. Has anyone else had this experience? Yes, there are a few people who are cheerful and considerate of others; however, as I said before the majority are down right RUDE! *sigh* I try so hard to remind myself that I am in charge of my own actions and just because they are having a bad day does not mean I have to have one to. I am not going to lie, this only helps for awhile. Eventually I find myself getting frustrated and annoyed with other shoppers.

On another note, I am officially off orientation at work. That's right, Carrie Meek RN is on her own. I have a resource person for each shift which is basically a specific person who I can ask questions and bounce things off of. Exciting, yes... Scary, most definitely. Pray for me!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Aunt Carrie & Uncle Clint

That's right, we are Aunt & Uncle again! This week Clint's sister Jen and her husband Joe adopted the first grand baby on the Meek side. Grace Isabel was born November 29th and was welcomed to the Farley family this week. She is absolutely precious. She has tons of black hair and is as content as can be. Jen & Joe say she sleeps, eats and poops well... the formula for success for an infant! Clint & I are so excited to have another niece to spoil!

We took pictures for our Christmas cards today. Jenna, my sister, is in photography at school and does a really nice job. She came over and took pictures of the us and the dogs in front of the house. Payton was so good and sat (most of the time) when she was told to and looked at the camera... then there is Geordie. Dear Geord not only refused to sit and face the camera but at one point decided to crawl up on to both Clint's and my lap for a few pictures as she hid her face behind her paws. Anyone who says dogs don't have a personality is crazy!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

long time

Okay so it's been a few months since I have written anything. I will try to get better about that. I won't promise a new post every day or even every other but I will shoot for weekly. Maybe it will just have to be scheduled in.

So in the last few months...
September: I passed NCLEX (the license test for registered nurses) and officially became a Registered Nurse on the 19th! It was oh so stressful and I will never forget the panic that set in when the computer shut off at 75 questions. I literally wanted to pick up the screen and give it a good shake. I walked out not knowing if I should cry, laugh, scream, or just crawl under a rock for the next 48 hours until I could find out the results. I found out on Sunday... or should I say Clint did. I had him look first and tell me if I should look or not. September 19th also marked our 1 year anniversary of our home. We have done so much to our house since we got it yet it seems like there is so much more to do before we could sell it. I am starting to think I will just have to deal with feeling that way. There is always something else to do. Clint was gone every other week in September for work. It was rough but it made the time we did have together that much better.
October: Clint's band, The Vandon Arms, played RIOT fest in Chicago in October. It's a big deal there and they were very honored to be on the ticket. Clint also went to Kansas City in October with "the guys" to see a Chicago Fire soccer game. The pictures and stories make it seem like they had a great time! He was gone a lot in October as well. I think he was in town for 1 week the whole month. ho hum, such is life. My October brought a huge sigh of relief to our household as I landed my first nursing job. On October 3rd I was offered a job at Methodist Hospital here in Des Moines on the Neurology and Trauma floor! No it's not kiddos BUT it's a great place to start as I see just about everything! I officially started on the 15th and have been loving it so far. I am amazed at the strength of some of the patients and family. They have taught me just as much about life as I have learned about nursing.
November: Well the month started off as a bummer for us as not only congress but also the presidency will now be Democratic. We will put out faith in Senator Obama and pray for him and our leaders. We are choosing to believe that this is the best choice for our country. Everything happens for a reason. On election day friends of ours began their family as their twins made their arrival. They were early but were able to go home this weekend! Way to go Beckett and Bella! As we all know this last week was Thanksgiving. We were so blessed to be able to spend time with our families and not have to work! It was a jam packed weekend but I wouldn't trade family time for anything in the world. We took Payton in for her annual check up and shots the day after Thanksgiving. Clint and Geordie went with us (this was Clint's first trip and thank goodness he was there to lift Payton up on to the table for me! Thanks babe!). We had them both weighed as always. Payton has lost a pound and is now 73lbs... Geordie however has gained more weight (a total of 25lbs since we got her a year and a half ago). She is now tipping the scales at 88lbs and will probably gain a few more!

So that is a quick update on the Meek family... I will work on posting more frequently!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Well, Mexico... it was beautiful, it was a culture shock, the food was yummy, the resort was amazing, but the "relaxing" was just not our style. Don't get me wrong. We had a great time! We very much enjoyed getting away, experiencing a new culture and seeing new things; however, we are not at all lay on the beach people we have learned. We spent only part of our time on the beach. We also spent time in the downtown area of Puerto Vallarta shopping and being harassed by every shop employee we saw which was part of the charm. We spent a day in the mountains on a tour which included an open extended jeep tour on the back roads (which would compare to our field trails), a stop in a small village with an explanation of the Mexican courting rituals, a stop at a shack to have some authentic home made tortillas with salsa, peppers, beans and guacamole, a nature hike in the jungle that is not called a jungle because it is an "old forest", and an authentic Mexican lunch at a small village 15 minutes straight down the side of a mountain with a gorgeous, clean beach. Everyone in the villages were very friendly and welcomed questions. We also went on "Rhythms of the Night" which consisted of a boat trip to a remote area (where only boats can go but it's not an island) where we were greeted by a path lit by torches and ate another authentic Mexican meal by candlelight. After dinner we went to a stage show (comparable to our Lion King production minus the technology but plus live snakes!). It was an amazing adventure we are both thankful for. We made many great memories and took many great pictures to help us remember... which will be posted at a later date. Adios!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Graduation has arrived!

Yesterday I graduated from nursing school. It has been a long stressful journey but I have also learned so much, not only about nursing but also about myself and life in general. Mercy College holds a pinning ceremony for nursing graduates the morning of graduation. I had the honor of speaking at the ceremony and handing out pins to my fellow classmates. It was a very emotional day. A day of excitement that I am begining a new phase but also a day of sadness as I leave school behind and move on once again to the real world. The whole day I couldn't believe I was graduating. I am so thankful the day finally came; however, I am a little nervous that it has arrived. I am beginning a whole new adventure that I am sure will be full of new exciting times, sad times and stressful times. I am ready. I am going to take this opportunity by the reigns and enjoy every moment of my new career. But first I am off to Mexico for a little R&R with my hubby!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

single digits!

Wahoo! We are down to the single digits folks! Only 9 days until graduation... so close and it feels like it should still be so far away. I am looking forward to being done with my associates degree and getting a full time job again. I know that sounds strange but I am looking forward to working! Please some one hire me!!!! I am also looking forward to this so my hubby and I can go to Mexico and just spend time together. I know we sleep in the same bed every night and eat dinner together most nights but I miss him if that makes any sense. I have been in school our whole relationship so this will be interesting for us. School has been more and more stressful and time consuming as it has continued so it will be nice to just spend time with Clint.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Long Weekend

We had a garage sale at the inlaws this weekend. It went fairly well and we got rid of lots of stuff!!! Thank goodness, our house is too tiny sometimes. We took 5 tubs of stuff over and came back with one I think. I didn't sell my snowboard but will try Play it Again and see if they would like it. So after a long week of preparing for the sale and working on the house and the usual daily tasks, Clint and I stayed in last night and had a movie night! It was so nice to just sit at home together and hang out. Today we cleaned the house (together!) and then went to the new Batman movie with a friend. We met a little early so I could get my hair cut... BIG difference! The movie was long but very good. So it seems as though the weekend is winding down and we will be off to work and school again in the morning. Ho hum...

I have been sitting here searching for jobs online and let me tell you, there are so few jobs for nurses in Des Moines right now. It's horrible! I thought this was a high demand area... it doesn't feel like it. Pray, pray, pray I find something that won't make me go crazy soon, only 26 days left to graduation!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


So I took my last test at Mercy College today (and passed)! I don't graduate for another 5 weeks but really, I'm done! I have a 5 week preceptor to do and I'm off to get my RN! It is a wonderful feeling. After working toward this degree for 2 1/2 years I am ready to have a life again... maybe I want to go boating, camping, heck out to dinner... now I can! sure I still have the biggest test left but to know that will be it is a HUGE relief. I can't wait to spend an entire night with my husband with out thinking how much I should be studying.

On another note... Clint's bday was kinda fun. I got him a turntable for his record collection he hasn't listened to in years. He has been wanting one for what seems like ever but has used the money on other things that we NEED instead. It was his bday though and he works so hard to take care of us that I really wanted him to have something that he wanted, just for him. So we made dinner (spicy shrimp pasta, crab cakes, and bacon wrapped sirloin steak) and sat at the table, instead of in front of the tv, and enjoyed some music and conversation. It was wonderful! I absolutely love spending time like that with him, he's so dreamy!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is Clint's 27th birthday! Happy Birthday babe! I am so thankful for you! Hope you have a wonderful day...

On the agenda... oh the usual, work and school. I will cook whatever Clint wants for dinner tonight and we will probably watch something lame on television and go to bed... gotta love routine! He will probably want to go to bed early because he has to go to South Dakota in the morning. I have to run to pick up his present(s) tonight, get whatever he would like for dinner, do some grochery shopping, and get fingerprinted (for my RN liscence) after class and before he gets home, fingers crossed it all gets done!

Monday, July 7, 2008

So Close!

As of today I will be graduating in 5 weeks and 4 days! School sometimes seems to have gone so fast but when I look back on where I was then and where I am now I realize that is not the case. Clint and I were talking the other day about how this is not really how we thought our lives would be 3 years ago. At that time we had both just started back at FMH. I decided to go back to school that fall and started in January of 2006. Clint and I had talked at work through email or when we were in our cube together but didn't hang out outside of work until February of 2006. We "officially" started dating on St Patricks Day that year, engaged in August of 2007 and married in December of 2007. We made it through 6 months of being married with out hurting each other so we are pretty confident in ourselves! Looking back I never thought I would be married to Clint (or anyone else for that matter) or have my own home. I'm not complaining, I love my life and my husband... I wouldn't change a thing, I just think it's funny that sometimes life takes it own route and we just go along for the ride...

Monday, June 23, 2008


...and now we have a blog! I love reading other people's blogs. This is such a great way to keep up with friends and family so why not join in the fun?!

So a quick catch up: Clint and I have been married for 6 months! Holy Hannah how time flies! We have already learned a lot about this whole marriage thing. When to stand your ground and when to let something slide was among the first. We are both very strong willed and want things done our own way... the correct way obviously! Clint is keeping very busy with work. He has taken on a lot of projects lately and has been working some extra hours. We miss him at home but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I am 7 weeks and 4 days from graduating from Mercy College of Health Sciences with my Associate of Science in Nursing. Once I pass boards I will be an RN. Scary isn't it?! I graduate August 15th and then Clint and I are taking a much needed vacation to Mexico. I will worry about that whole nursing boards thing when I get back! Payton and Geordie, yes our dogs, are great. Payton is miss bossy and keeps us all in line (mostly Geordie) and is definitely the princess of our castle. Geordie has calmed down immensely in the last few months, thank goodness! She is turning out to be a wonderful addition to our family and has begun to realize when to push her limits and when to do what she's told immediately.

So that's our life... I have nothing on my mind today besides procrastinating. I have a messy house to clean, a paper to write and a quiz to study for and I don't feel like doing any of it. We were in TN all weekend, drove none the less, so I have decided this afternoon can be my weekend. I will get back to the daily grind tomorrow.