Sunday, December 7, 2008

Aunt Carrie & Uncle Clint

That's right, we are Aunt & Uncle again! This week Clint's sister Jen and her husband Joe adopted the first grand baby on the Meek side. Grace Isabel was born November 29th and was welcomed to the Farley family this week. She is absolutely precious. She has tons of black hair and is as content as can be. Jen & Joe say she sleeps, eats and poops well... the formula for success for an infant! Clint & I are so excited to have another niece to spoil!

We took pictures for our Christmas cards today. Jenna, my sister, is in photography at school and does a really nice job. She came over and took pictures of the us and the dogs in front of the house. Payton was so good and sat (most of the time) when she was told to and looked at the camera... then there is Geordie. Dear Geord not only refused to sit and face the camera but at one point decided to crawl up on to both Clint's and my lap for a few pictures as she hid her face behind her paws. Anyone who says dogs don't have a personality is crazy!

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