Monday, June 23, 2008


...and now we have a blog! I love reading other people's blogs. This is such a great way to keep up with friends and family so why not join in the fun?!

So a quick catch up: Clint and I have been married for 6 months! Holy Hannah how time flies! We have already learned a lot about this whole marriage thing. When to stand your ground and when to let something slide was among the first. We are both very strong willed and want things done our own way... the correct way obviously! Clint is keeping very busy with work. He has taken on a lot of projects lately and has been working some extra hours. We miss him at home but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I am 7 weeks and 4 days from graduating from Mercy College of Health Sciences with my Associate of Science in Nursing. Once I pass boards I will be an RN. Scary isn't it?! I graduate August 15th and then Clint and I are taking a much needed vacation to Mexico. I will worry about that whole nursing boards thing when I get back! Payton and Geordie, yes our dogs, are great. Payton is miss bossy and keeps us all in line (mostly Geordie) and is definitely the princess of our castle. Geordie has calmed down immensely in the last few months, thank goodness! She is turning out to be a wonderful addition to our family and has begun to realize when to push her limits and when to do what she's told immediately.

So that's our life... I have nothing on my mind today besides procrastinating. I have a messy house to clean, a paper to write and a quiz to study for and I don't feel like doing any of it. We were in TN all weekend, drove none the less, so I have decided this afternoon can be my weekend. I will get back to the daily grind tomorrow.

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