Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Bedrest = Boring

36 weeks
So it all started over the weekend when I was off work for 2 nights. Usually my swelling goes down but this weekend it got worse if anything. I checked my blood pressure as always to make sure things were okay. Everything checked out until Sunday when my pressure started around 136/84 in the morning, at noon was about 146/92 and after a 2 hour nap with my feet in the air was at 150/95. Needless to day I called in to work. I had an appointment scheduled for the next morning so didn't bother to call my doctor and just drank water, laid on my side and elevated my feet as much as I could. Heck we even made a low sodium soup for dinner that night in hopes it would help. Before bed my pressure had come down some but still not to a comfortable level. At my appointment Monday morning I weighed in 4.5lbs higher then the week before! (my doc assured my it was water weight but still I felt even more huge then I had before) My blood pressure was up and there was more protein in my urine also. My doctor told me I didn't have a say any more and that I was going on bedrest period and I wasn't to argue. I knew it was probably coming but I was still disappointed and shed a few tears. After I regrouped we decided that induction was not something to consider for now and instead she set me up with non stress tests twice a week (I get hooked up to monitors and they check Sadie's heart rate and movement and my blood pressure and contractions), blood work, a 2nd 24 hour urine and I am continuing my weekly doctor visits. I called Clint and let him know right away and then headed over to the hospital to have my first NST done. Sadie and I both looked great on the monitors and my blood pressure came down while I was over there... it likes to go all over the place. My uric acid was high and my platelets low so for now I am home trying to relax and not get too bored. Our mom's came yesterday to finish Sadie's room so it has been nice to have some company the last couple of days. I have another NST tomorrow so we'll see how that one goes.

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