Tuesday, February 23, 2010

2 weeks down

Starting to open her eyes and focus!

No more umbilical cord!

We have had a great 2nd week! Sadie is growing and is still such a great baby. She's having some problems figuring out her nights and days but seeing as I worked nights before she was born I can't say I am too surprised. She lost her umbilical cord on Friday night last week... poor Clint was changing a middle of the night diaper and wasn't quite sure what happened at first. Her little belly button is so adorable! I just love holding her and watching her. She is such a beautiful baby and it still amazes me that she is our child and that I 'grew' her. It just amazes me what the human body is capable of!

She had her 2 week appointment today and Dr Sullivan said she's doing great and is a perfect baby... like he had to tell me that! She is back to her birth weight of 6lbs 9oz putting her in the 7th percentile. She is supposedly 20 1/4 inches putting her in the 51st percentile but I am not so sure how much I agree with that measurement since her head wasn't at the top of the measuring stick. Her head is now 14 inches around which is the 40th percentile. Dr Sullivan's office is big on reading to kids at an early age so they give out books at well child exams. The one we received today is aimed more for the parents and what is appropriate for each age.

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