Monday, February 8, 2010

Sadie is coming tomorrow...

So I had my weekly appointment this morning and an NST following. My pressure was a little elevated but not as much as it had been at home. My doctor decided to rerun labs and check a growth ultrasound. She told me to plan on this week or next week for Sadie's arrival at that time. So I went over to L&D and they hooked me up. Sadie looked great on the monitors... quite the wiggle worm all the nurses kept calling her. The ultrasound tech estimated she is about 6lbs 1oz and looks very healthy. So obviously the problem here is me. Really we are having her tomorrow for a few different reasons. It's a combination of my elevated blood pressure, low platelets, and swelling. Basically I am getting closer and closer to pre eclampsia and if my platelets continue to fall I can't get an epidural. The epidural isn't all that important but if there are complications and we would have to do a c-section I would have to be knocked out so Clint couldn't be present... and obviously I would be there but wouldn't be able to really be there. I don't want that for her or us. The other reason is that my doctor has a gut feeling. For those who work in health care you know that when there is a gut feeling you react. You don't wait to see what the feeling is due to or see if it goes away. God gave us those feelings for a reason and we should listen to them.

So as I sit here in my hospital bed thinking of all the things I was going to do and didn't and all the things I probably should have done and never got around to, I remind myself of how lucky we are. We will make it to 37 weeks and we will have our precious little baby to hold in our arms and snuggle and love. She will be happy and healthy and Clint and I will get to be parents. We have looked forward to this for so long and are so excited the time is almost here. It doesn't matter if there is an extra load of laundry that didn't get done or floors that didn't get swept. Our baby is coming... and she will get her safely. Mommy and Daddy love you Sadie. We are so excited to finally get to meet you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Thinking of you all and praying all goes well...can't wait to hear about lil Sadie's arrival!