Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

What a busy few days it has been. Clint and I brought Sadie home on Thursday afternoon. The last few days have been all about getting to know each other. Sadie has been doing very well. She sleeps especially well during the day and pretty well at night. She was always much more active at night when I was pregnant so I'm not too surprised by this. I really need to do better about sleeping when she does but I just can't sit still. There is too much to do!

Saturday Sadie had her first doctor appointment. She was down to 5lbs 11oz which puts her in the 4th percentile for weight. We had a feeling this would be the case as she was already down to 6lbs 4oz when we left the hospital and hadn't been doing very well with eating since we had been home and wasn't filling her diapers as often as she should be. After confirmation from the doctor we decided to do what Clint and I had already discussed and were thinking of doing... supplement with formula. Stinks that we have to do this to keep her weight up but it's worth it to make sure she stays healthy. We go back in the morning for another weight check so hopefully between the formula and what I have been able to pump she will have at least maintained where she was at. During her appointment the doctor also decided we needed to recheck her billirubin as she was looking a bit more jaundice. This took us back to the hospital to get the lab drawn which turned in to a long wait but was worth it in the end. Her billi is still elevated but not enough for lights. She will have that rechecked tomorrow also. After all of this we returned home for Daddy & Sadie to snuggle and cheer on Mizzou!

Today we spent lounging and enjoying our first Valentines Day together! Sadie got her first bath and surprisingly didn't really fuss much. Clint made us a very yummy dinner of wild mushroom ravioli and crab legs. Sure it probably wouldn't be placed together in a restaurant but it hit the spot! I also was excited to enjoy a glass of wine! Delicious! This is by far the best Valentines Day ever. I am so excited to be able to celebrate with my awesome husband and our precious daughter.

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