Friday, January 29, 2010

35/35, baby shower, & show choir!

So I finally hit week 35! This means only 35 days left. Well as of today it's 33 days until our due date! I have to say I am getting pretty darn excited. Not only for her and I to have our own space but also because I will finally get to meet her and start being a mommy! Here's our latest picture from 35weeks...

In other news, I had my first baby shower over the weekend. It was so much fun to see everyone and catch up! Dani & Joanna did a great job. Miss Sadie is lucky to have so many people that love her so much already! Her room actually has things in it now! I ordered a few things we needed for right away to get it finished enough to use at least. I can't wait for the next baby shower when I will have her with me to show off and meet everyone!

Clint & I were also lucky enough to be able to see our siblings perform in their show choir groups last Saturday. They are both amazing and we are so thankful we were able to go. They are both seniors this year so we wanted to make sure we saw one more performance before they graduate.



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