Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pictures from the last couple weeks...

2 weeks
tiny fingers
tiny toes
First outing... Carabas! We ran in to an agent so we even got to show her off!

Family Visits....
Aunt Jen, Cousin Gracey, & Sadie
Clint, Grandma & Grandpa Meek & Sadie
Aunt Emi & Sadie
Aunt Anna & Sadie
Grandma Renee & Sadie

I love this girl!
A special birthday message for Papa!
First family dinner out on the town at 3 weeks... we went to BDs!

We had been out to dinner before but this was the first family only event.
The cutest little girl came over to see her and tell me how she looked like a doll so she just needed to know if I was holding a baby or a doll.

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