Monday, March 8, 2010


booo!!! I was readmitted to the hospital on Feb 27th. They thought I had an infection in my uterus but after I was admitted they decided it was probably mastitis. Usually they don't admit for that but I had a fever of 102F+ for 3 days so they kept me until I could keep it under 100F. Unfortunately that took me until Monday to do so I had to spend 2 nights in the hospital getting fluids and antibiotics. I bawled my eyes out when Clint & Sadie left the first night... I cried the 2nd night just not as much. It was the hardest thing being away from my little girl especially since it was against my will. I am so thankful Clint was here and able to take care of her. It was probably a good trial run for when I go back to work. He is great with her so I knew I had nothing to worry about but still it was hard not being there for them.
To top things off this whole infection and being sick in general shot my milk supply. In the hospital I was lucky to get an ounce total. Now that I am home I can get 2.5-3 ounces every 3 hours but that is just not enough for Sadie so we have had to result to formula. Now the poor peanut is getting constipated and she makes faces and tries not to eat when she gets the formula. I keep pumping and drinking water and Mother's Milk tea to try to get my supply up but I am worried that Sadie may end up having to be a formula baby. That's hard for me. I really wanted to be able to provide her with the natural diet God intended her to have. I know everything happens for a reason but it is hard for me to not think I am letting her down. At least she is eating and I am getting some milk so she is not completely on formula. I will keep praying my supply goes up and I can switch her back to all breastmilk.

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