Wednesday, March 31, 2010

6 & 7 weeks

Opps... looks like I have forgotten to post for a couple weeks. So let's play catch up. Clint has been gone the last couple of weeks for work and will be gone again next week. Although it's hard on all of us, I think it's hardest on him. I told him to be glad he was with the other field guys not just out on the road all by himself. Adult socialization... what's that?! He was all packed up before the morning session on the last day and left immediatly to get home. For those of you who know Clint, know this is a BIG deal!

Sadie is growing like a weed. I weighed her with me on our scale here at home last week and she came in between 8 1/2 to 9 lbs. I don't know how accurate the scale is since the number changes each time we get off and on but I'm guessing that's about right by the way she feels. We have her 2 month, yes you read that right, 2 month appointment next Friday so I will know for sure then. She has gotten much longer also. I had to put away a lot of her newborn stuff because she was too long for it. It's perfect around but she can't straighten out her legs so a lot had to go. The 0-3m stuff is HUGE on her so we have very few outfits she can wear out these days. We also started in on size 1 diapers. These also are HUGE! I have to fold them down quite aways but they hold much more and she was getting to the point we had to change her immediately or else there was trouble in the newborn size. She had is starting to smile more consistently. Her first smile was on her 6 weeks 'bday'. She is tracking and focusing well and starting to coo. She is very strong and has great head and neck control. She can turn from side to side and hold it up for long periods now. I love watching her grow and see her meet new milestones but it tugs at my heart a bit at the same time. My little girl is growing so fast! Here is a couple 6 week pictures.

I am getting back to my self. I have started working out and have 7lbs left to get back to where I started... and a whole lot of toning to do. I ordered Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred which arrived yesterday. Here's to hoping I stick with it and it does the trick. I went back to work this weekend. Booo!!! I missed Clint & Sadie so much but made it through with crying only once! I thought that was pretty good. I am getting ready to switch jobs. I will be going back to adult care and working days! After a lot of thought and prayer I decided that adults is where my heart is. Pediatrics is fun but it is too slow paced for me. I will be starting on a telemetry floor at the hospital about 15 minutes from here (30 minutes closer!) on April 19th.

Clint and I have been trying to find a childcare provider for Sadie. We are lucky that right now Clint can take her at night and our moms have/ will come down to help at first. It's nice for them to be able to come spend time with her... and us. We have a few options for who we could use but haven't made a decision yet. I have another lady to interview hopefully tomorrow. She lives directly behind the hospital so I am hoping it works out. It is so hard to find some one that we feel comfortable with. I never thought I would have this much trouble with going back to work. Things really change once they are here though.

We are learning a few new ways to do things to...
How we shop, clean house and go for walks...

How I get ready in the morning if she is awake and do some house work...
She falls fast asleep in this one!

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