Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy 1 month Sadie!

Wow! Time is sure flying by. Sadie is 1 month old and is growing so quickly. She is right about 7 lbs 4oz I think with how I can weigh her at home. She can wear almost all her newborn clothes and is more alert every day! She is holding up her head and looking around. She turns to sound and can focus on our faces now. It is amazing to me how much they change in such a short amount of time.

Clint & I are truely enjoying being parents. We love seeing her do new things and showing her off to anyone who will give us the time of day! She is such a blessing to us. Yes there are times I hate getting up in the middle of the night and yes it kills me how much we spend on diapers and formula but I wouldn't change anything if it meant I didn't have my baby. I may be a bit biased but she is as perfect as babies come. I just love her so much!

We had the FMH Annual meeting last weekend. We were in Des Moines from Friday to Monday. It was great to see everyone, spend time with friends and family and get to introduce them Sadie but man was it exhausting! We were totally off our schedule... which we are now paying for big time. And I get to go back this weekend for a couple days. I am super excited for the shower and to see everyone but I am not looking forward to being off our schedule and running all over heck like a mad women trying to see everyone and do everything. Clint isn't coming with so I want to try to go up on Friday morning and come back Saturday night. We haven't really had an us weekend since we brought Sadie home so I want to try to get back and spend time together as a family. Clint will have to be gone her in a couple weeks for 3 weeks (home on weekends) and I go back to work at the end of the month so our free time is quickly running out. Man I wish I could have taken 12 weeks. Oh well, gotta provide a college education for this little lady!

Clint shaved his head at the annual meeting along with about 15 other guys. They all did this in support of a 13 year old daughter of one of Clint's co workers who was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma (cancer) last fall. She is undergoing very intense treatment right now. We are praying for her and her family for the best outcome. I don't know her personally but I read her blog and she is such an amazing young lady. She has a good head on her shoulders and a heart of gold. I pray she beats this beast.
FMH employees and family raised over $16,000 for this family in one night. It was amazing to see so many people's generosity and support. Even some of the top guys in the company took part even though they didn't want to shave their heads. It wasn't about them, it was about helping out another 'family' member. I am so proud of FMH employees and families!
I got the first swipe! Charlie (Clint's boss) took a turn to!

After shot

Part of the guys prior to shaving

Part of the guys after the shaving.

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