Saturday, January 16, 2010

Count down!!!

Only 6 more weeks until our little girl arrives!!! I'm not going to lie, part of me is super excited and can't wait and part of me is thinking, "holy crap only 6 weeks?". Some days I feel ready and some days not so much. So far this pregnancy has of course had it's ups and downs. I could have done just fine without the first 17 weeks of constant sickness and the last few weeks of constant dizziness and being so darn uncomfortable. Really, is being able to sleep that much to ask for. I want it now while I still have the chance! In the end it is all worth it and compared to what other people have had to deal with I am going to consider myself very lucky! Will we go for round 2... ask me that in a few years. Remember I have yet to deliver and begin this crazy journey of parenthood. My doctor thinks she will be arriving before the 6 week mark so stay tuned... it could only be 3 or 4!

My first shower is next weekend! I am so excited to head up to Des Moines and see friends and family. The following weekend Clint and I are planning on getting as much done as possible to prepare for Sadie's arrival. This mostly means buying last minute things and finishing her room. Really if she came today we have everything we have to have but there are somethings we don't have yet that I would like to have before she arrives.

Next weekend is also Jenna (my sis) & Andrew's (Clint's bro) show choir performances which is the original reason we planned the trip to Des Moines. They are both seniors and this will be the last performance we get to see. Bittersweet. Excited for them to be moving on to the next step of life but hard to realize they are old enough to do so.

PS updated bump pictures to come... and nursery pics once completed!

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