Friday, January 29, 2010

35/35, baby shower, & show choir!

So I finally hit week 35! This means only 35 days left. Well as of today it's 33 days until our due date! I have to say I am getting pretty darn excited. Not only for her and I to have our own space but also because I will finally get to meet her and start being a mommy! Here's our latest picture from 35weeks...

In other news, I had my first baby shower over the weekend. It was so much fun to see everyone and catch up! Dani & Joanna did a great job. Miss Sadie is lucky to have so many people that love her so much already! Her room actually has things in it now! I ordered a few things we needed for right away to get it finished enough to use at least. I can't wait for the next baby shower when I will have her with me to show off and meet everyone!

Clint & I were also lucky enough to be able to see our siblings perform in their show choir groups last Saturday. They are both amazing and we are so thankful we were able to go. They are both seniors this year so we wanted to make sure we saw one more performance before they graduate.



Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 20

Week 34

Looks like she's growing to me! Please take note this is the same t-shirt.

And finally... the wonderful surprise roses my awesome husband got me for our anniversary!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Count down!!!

Only 6 more weeks until our little girl arrives!!! I'm not going to lie, part of me is super excited and can't wait and part of me is thinking, "holy crap only 6 weeks?". Some days I feel ready and some days not so much. So far this pregnancy has of course had it's ups and downs. I could have done just fine without the first 17 weeks of constant sickness and the last few weeks of constant dizziness and being so darn uncomfortable. Really, is being able to sleep that much to ask for. I want it now while I still have the chance! In the end it is all worth it and compared to what other people have had to deal with I am going to consider myself very lucky! Will we go for round 2... ask me that in a few years. Remember I have yet to deliver and begin this crazy journey of parenthood. My doctor thinks she will be arriving before the 6 week mark so stay tuned... it could only be 3 or 4!

My first shower is next weekend! I am so excited to head up to Des Moines and see friends and family. The following weekend Clint and I are planning on getting as much done as possible to prepare for Sadie's arrival. This mostly means buying last minute things and finishing her room. Really if she came today we have everything we have to have but there are somethings we don't have yet that I would like to have before she arrives.

Next weekend is also Jenna (my sis) & Andrew's (Clint's bro) show choir performances which is the original reason we planned the trip to Des Moines. They are both seniors and this will be the last performance we get to see. Bittersweet. Excited for them to be moving on to the next step of life but hard to realize they are old enough to do so.

PS updated bump pictures to come... and nursery pics once completed!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Merry Late Christmas and Happy Belated New Years!

(not the best picture but you get the idea!)
Clint and I made the trip to IA twice for Christmas this year... which will not be happening again! We were there for a weekend left for 4 days so I could work and came back for another long weekend. Although the travel stunk, it was so nice to be able to spend Christmas with our family and see some great friends. I was very worried when we first moved that we wouldn't be able to be "home" for Christmas. I have been praying since before we moved that we would be there so thank God he agreed with my idea! There is nothing better then family at Christmas time.
Well here it is... 32nd week! We are finally on the home stretch. I haven't decided yet if it's only 2 more months or 2 more long months. Depends on the day. This week has gone quickly and I am sure next week will to. I have been feeling pretty good. Very tired and uncomfortable and sleep is no longer in my vocabulary but nothing too crazy. I had a rough patch over Christmas. The ARNP exclaimed, "Oh honey you have cankles!" when I went in for my last appointment. That was an understatement! I was swollen from head to toe and barely able to walk. I attribute this to pushing too hard and not hydrating enough. Oh well, I survived and so did Sadie! She is quite the scheduled little lady which I of course love. She has her moments where I know for sure she is up and moving. Once in the morning and once a night for 2 hours each time then for much shorter and less painful amounts of time during the day! As much as I hate getting my butt kicked from the inside, I am thankful for it!
In other news... Clint and I celebrate our 2 year anniversary December 29th. We went for a wonderful dinner at a French restaurant downtown. It was delightful! I worked the night before and when I finally drug my rear end out of bed that day Clint had a beautiful bouquet of a dozen red roses and a card waiting for me on the counter... am I not the luckiest lady ever?!
We did absolutely nothing for New Years. In bed asleep when it changed to 2010... I'm not too worried about it. Someone would have let us know if we missed something extraordinary.
On January 5th I turned 27. The night before we went for Mediterranean tapas downtown... delicious!!! Clint had to go out of town that morning until Thursday so we just celebrated early. He got me a pair of those new Rebook shoes that are supposed to help tone and some Mizzou hair bows and socks for Sadie! I know, I know some people would be totally ticked at the shoes thing but I was so excited. Clint knows I am bound and determined to get back to my old self (close to I should say, I know things will never be exactly the same) after our lady gets here. So to some it may have been rude or insensitive to me it was thoughtful.

So that's our last few weeks summed up. We have our hospital visit tomorrow and are going to get some house stuff done today. I need to set up the pediatrician on Monday and my maternity leave and then things will be about ready for Sadie to arrive! In a few weeks of course. I'm not hoping she comes quite yet.