Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Okay so I haven't written on here in, oh forever. I haven't decided if it's because we have had a lot of changes and challenges in our home lately I have tried to ignore or if it's because I am trying to keep too busy and haven't made time. In all actuality, it is probably the first but lets pretend it's the second.

So Clint and I decided awhile back that he was going to apply/ accept a new job. Training for the job we knew would require a lot of travel and many nights/ weeks away from home but in the end we both decided it was something we were willing to take on to get to where we want to be. Well, at first it wasn't so bad. Most of the travel was in Iowa and he was able to come home often. Now not so much. This is his 3rd week gone (home for the weekend usually) and he is gone again next week for the week. This last weekend he was in Chicago and next weekend we go to MN for a work event. This will be our only weekend together for the month... really our only 2 full days together without work involved. MN should be fun. We are going to a dinner theater which is something neither of us have done so we are excited but wish we had more time together. This all probably sounds like I am just a big whiner which is really not where I was trying to go with this. I am still thankful we made the decision we did, I just didn't realize how hard it would be to have Clint gone every week, all week. He's my best friend and I am lost without him. I have sulked and laid around for the last few weeks and finally (yes it took me 3 weeks) I decided today that I need to suck it up and start getting on with life. This is the perfect time to get some house projects done, catch up with friends I soon will only see once or twice a year, and get my rear end back in to shape.
So what else is new... Work is work. I continue to learn and although this is not at all where I want to be long term, I do enjoy the challenges N5 has to offer. It's amazing how quickly and how much is learned once school is done and you hit the floor. It is a whole new world. School doesn't even touch what actually happens in the life of a real nurse. That makes me want to be a teacher even more to help prepare new grads for what they are really in for. I suppose I should get going on the BSN so I have the option to teach. One more thing to add to the list.
The pups are doing good. We just got back from a walk and they are doing so much better on their leashes! They walk when they are told to walk and stay when they are told to stay! I got them new leashes, longer ones with their names on them... I know corny but whatever. So anyway we had to try them out. Plus we had ice cream treats today so it was a must to go for a walk. Hopefully this weekend we can hit the dog park. The girls love the dog park. Payton is even running and playing this year! In the past she would stay right by me and growl at all the dogs that came over to welcome her. Geordie has gotten in a couple of fights this year and neither owner is there when it starts or sure who has actually started them so we haven't gotten to concerned about it yet. She has never tried to fight before so I really have a hard time thinking it is her. I think they just need to be there more often and they will be fine.

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