Friday, March 13, 2009

Random Thoughts

Some days I find myself lost in thought. Not neccessarily about anything specific but about lots of random things. Things about work, things about home, things about the future, etc. I absolutely hate when this happens at night... say around the time I lay my head down on my nice soft pillow and shut my eyes. Boom! Out of nowhere things I haven't thought about in months or things that I am absolutely certain I have taken care of pop up and don't want to leave my mind. This has been happening a lot lately. I really can't remember the last time I slept for more than 3 or so hours at one time. Of course napping is out of the question right now as I have been working OT at the hospital and at FMH on the side in addition to "everyday life". Maybe that's part of the problem. **Sigh** I need a vacation!

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