Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Absence make the heart grow fonder...

Clint and I knew at the beginning of the year that he was going to be consistently gone a lot during the week for work. Training others, being trained, etc. So now we are left to adjust. Things have gone okay so far. We have been lucky enough that the trips have been here in IA or not all week so we can see each other some. It's hard when he's gone all week, I work the weekend and then he leaves again on Monday for a week though. Which is were we are right now. Flat out stinks! I haven't figured out how to easily fall asleep at night without him. The dogs love to snuggle but they just aren't the same. I miss coming home at night to no hubby and no dinner and no lights. I would rather be here though then doing what he does. I can't imagine having to wake up in a new hotel room in a different city every morning. Not having anything of my own to use or make me feel comfortable. He is certainly amazing. He is working hard to give us the life we dream of. He never complains and he never gives up. He continues to find the best in the situation and make the best of being apart. It has made us treasure the time we are able to spend together that much more though. I get so excited at the end of the week for him to come home. The dogs and I watch for him and shower him with hugs and kisses when he arrives.

1 comment:

mrs t said...

i know what you mean. phillippe used to travel for sometimes weeks at a time. it's the worst! especially with kids in the mix. i spent many nights snuggled on the couch with my ice cream in one hand and remote in the other watching endless girly movies and all the 'friends' and 'gilmore girls' i could handle. hope he can be home more soon. glad you have some dogs to keep you company!! miss ya!