Sunday, July 20, 2008

Long Weekend

We had a garage sale at the inlaws this weekend. It went fairly well and we got rid of lots of stuff!!! Thank goodness, our house is too tiny sometimes. We took 5 tubs of stuff over and came back with one I think. I didn't sell my snowboard but will try Play it Again and see if they would like it. So after a long week of preparing for the sale and working on the house and the usual daily tasks, Clint and I stayed in last night and had a movie night! It was so nice to just sit at home together and hang out. Today we cleaned the house (together!) and then went to the new Batman movie with a friend. We met a little early so I could get my hair cut... BIG difference! The movie was long but very good. So it seems as though the weekend is winding down and we will be off to work and school again in the morning. Ho hum...

I have been sitting here searching for jobs online and let me tell you, there are so few jobs for nurses in Des Moines right now. It's horrible! I thought this was a high demand area... it doesn't feel like it. Pray, pray, pray I find something that won't make me go crazy soon, only 26 days left to graduation!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


So I took my last test at Mercy College today (and passed)! I don't graduate for another 5 weeks but really, I'm done! I have a 5 week preceptor to do and I'm off to get my RN! It is a wonderful feeling. After working toward this degree for 2 1/2 years I am ready to have a life again... maybe I want to go boating, camping, heck out to dinner... now I can! sure I still have the biggest test left but to know that will be it is a HUGE relief. I can't wait to spend an entire night with my husband with out thinking how much I should be studying.

On another note... Clint's bday was kinda fun. I got him a turntable for his record collection he hasn't listened to in years. He has been wanting one for what seems like ever but has used the money on other things that we NEED instead. It was his bday though and he works so hard to take care of us that I really wanted him to have something that he wanted, just for him. So we made dinner (spicy shrimp pasta, crab cakes, and bacon wrapped sirloin steak) and sat at the table, instead of in front of the tv, and enjoyed some music and conversation. It was wonderful! I absolutely love spending time like that with him, he's so dreamy!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today is Clint's 27th birthday! Happy Birthday babe! I am so thankful for you! Hope you have a wonderful day...

On the agenda... oh the usual, work and school. I will cook whatever Clint wants for dinner tonight and we will probably watch something lame on television and go to bed... gotta love routine! He will probably want to go to bed early because he has to go to South Dakota in the morning. I have to run to pick up his present(s) tonight, get whatever he would like for dinner, do some grochery shopping, and get fingerprinted (for my RN liscence) after class and before he gets home, fingers crossed it all gets done!

Monday, July 7, 2008

So Close!

As of today I will be graduating in 5 weeks and 4 days! School sometimes seems to have gone so fast but when I look back on where I was then and where I am now I realize that is not the case. Clint and I were talking the other day about how this is not really how we thought our lives would be 3 years ago. At that time we had both just started back at FMH. I decided to go back to school that fall and started in January of 2006. Clint and I had talked at work through email or when we were in our cube together but didn't hang out outside of work until February of 2006. We "officially" started dating on St Patricks Day that year, engaged in August of 2007 and married in December of 2007. We made it through 6 months of being married with out hurting each other so we are pretty confident in ourselves! Looking back I never thought I would be married to Clint (or anyone else for that matter) or have my own home. I'm not complaining, I love my life and my husband... I wouldn't change a thing, I just think it's funny that sometimes life takes it own route and we just go along for the ride...