Thursday, December 3, 2009


November began as I started my new job at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. I will admit, the drive and working overnight absolutely stinks! The opportunity to work with children more then makes up for it though! I work with kiddos of all ages as part of the floor I am on is NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit) overflow. So we get the babies that are premature to the kids who are 17. The focus of the floor (other then NICU) is Infectious Disease but it seems like mostly altered oxygenation kids. I am excited to continue my career there and hope I can start dealing better with the drive and night shifts.

The move is proving to be a good thing for the Meek family. Although we miss our home, family, friends, and jobs in Iowa, we are thankful we made the decision we did. Clint is able to be home more, I am able to work with kids, the dogs are very happy with the extra space they now have, and we are learning to rely on each other and communicate more clearly. I am still very nervous for life after the baby arrives since we have zero help/ support down here but I am sure we will adjust and learn the ropes of being parents quickly.

Speaking of the little munchkin... I finally found a doctor down here to take over my care. It was a bit ridiculous how hard it was to find someone but I did and I like her. Dr Ash is an OB in Independence. She is a newer doctor just off her residency which made me a bit hesitant at first but after talking with her, I decided I really liked her. She talks to me straight but is still nice and pleasant! Her office is attached to the hospital I will be delivering at so unless I go on a weekend when she is not on call, she will deliver us. I have another appointment next week and Clint will be able to go to this one with me so I am hoping he likes her as much as I do. He was not a fan of my last OB so fingers crossed here folks! We also will have another ultrasound at the appointment so lots of prayers the baby chooses to cooperate and we can find out if we are expecting Sadie or Nolan!
Clint and I were so thankful we were able to be home in Iowa for Thanksgiving. We were there for 5 days and they were wonderful days! We saw friends and family, ate wonderful food, and celebrated our niece, Grace's 1st bday, as well as my sister, Beka's bday! I will admit traveling with 2 large dogs is a challange but luckily we have family that is willing to have them along for the ride. Thank-you! Can't wait for next year with 2 large dogs and a baby... crazy!!!

The dogs taking their afternoon snooze...
Millie, Geordie and Payton. So impressed with how well they all got along!

Making friends... Miley & Gracie

Grace's 1st Bday Cake

The baby bump at 27 weeks... please forgive the PJs!

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