Friday, September 18, 2009

News News and more News

The Meek family is full of new news these days... let's start with what I think is the most exciting...

1. We are expecting our first child!!! I am 16 1/2 weeks and yes my stomach has 'popped'. (pictures will come at some point). Clint and I are very excited to be adding on to our family... especially with a human this time! We will find out if it is a boy or a girl in a few short weeks!

2. We are moving. This is an exciting adventure for us but is also bitter sweet. Clint accepted a position with FMH some time ago that included relocating but now that the time is here it is starting to hit home. I grew up in IA and Clint has been there for some time now. Both of our immediate families and much of my extended family and 90% of our friends are in DM making it tough to say good bye. We will be moving to Missouri. Clint's territory will be from KC to AR and from the west side to around Booneville and then straight down for those of you who know the state. This is a great opportunity for Clint and will mean he should be home more often! We will be only a few hours away so please come visit!!! I promise we will be back as often as we can also.

3. Relating to number 2... we put our house on the market last week and received an offer last night. We are going to counter but are so excited that we received an offer in less then 2 weeks and are hoping they accept our counter. To make things even better, we are currently down in MO and are putting an offer in on a home here this morning. Pray the owner accepts it and things can move forward. We went in to this believing that this was the right decision for our family and that everything would work out for the best. So far, I can't complain. The home we are looking to purchase is in Oak Grove which is just 2 towns east of Independence on the east side of KC. We love the area and are looking forward to making it our home. Oak Grove is still a smaller town and not completely connected to KC which is part of why we liked it. Easy access for Clint's travel and hospitals near by for my job as well. I will post later to let you know what happens!

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