Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We have been super busy here at the Meek house. Two weekends ago we went to IL to see Clint's grandmother. She was able to hold Sadie for the first time and it was the first time I met her as well. A lot of the family came over and we had a birthday party for her. It was great to start to get to know that side of the family.

Last weekend Clint's parents came down and we worked on the house. Clint and his dad got a bunch of outside work done and Sarah and I painted the living room and kitchen. Greg and Sarah were nice enough to watch Sadie for us on Saturday night and we went out on our first date since Sadie was born! It was great to talk with out cooing in between sentances and eat while my food was still hot!

Last week I worked my first full week of days and let me say I like that I feel like a nurse again. This is the type of nursing I am use to, however; I don't know if I can do it. I feel horrible waking Sadie up from her peaceful sleep to take her to the sitter and I feel even more horrible that I leave her all day when I come home at night and she burries herself in my chest and holds on so tight. I spend maybe an hour to hour and a half with her before I have to go to bed so I can be up at 4am the next morning to do it all over. I am really considering an office job. Yes I know I just started at this place, I wouldn't quit, just switch to prn. And yes, I know I would be bored and get paid so much less but it may be worth it. Especially when Clint is out of town and I do it all myself. That switches my 930pm bedtime to midnightish. Yikes! I don't know if it's worth it though. I am in a horrible funk right now. Just lonely and adjusting to mommyhood. Maybe that's my problem.

Sadie is doing so great though! She turned 3 months on Sunday! She is around 11 pounds now and is starting to smile when she sees us in the morning or after work. She is starting to laugh and pull herself up to sitting if we hold on to her arms. She is amazing and I am so lucky to be her mommy! She got me a food processor for Mothers Day so I can make her baby food. And the seal it storage system so things last longer in the freezer. All for me I'm sure. Clint also got me my favorite flowers... lillies!

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