Saturday, October 24, 2009

Officially Missourians

Well we have made it. We are fairly settled, or as much as you can be in a week. I arrived last Thursday and Clint and his mom were already sanding and painting our bathroom cabinets. I got the dogs and my stuff inside and we started working... and didn't stop until Sunday afternoon when I finally collapsed for a quick nap before heading back to Iowa for 3 days to work.

We had a very successful weekend. Most of the boxes were unpacked and almost all of the projects got done that were on the to do list. We were so lucky to have our parents and my sister, Emily, come down to help. I am fairly certain Clint and I would have ended up getting frustrated and either fighting or tearfully hugging wondering what the heck we had done. There were a few tears as we said goodbye to our families... and a small melt down on my part when I couldn't figure out where the movers had packed my only other pair of maternity jeans, but all in all things went very smoothly. It was great to have the fam around to help us settle in a bit.

I headed back to Iowa Sunday evening and worked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Methodist and cleaned our old house on Monday (thankfully my mom and Jenna went over Tuesday to finish for me) Then I drove back Wednesday night in the rain and my car decided to act up about an hour out. Looking back it was too much in too short of time but I made it through. It was quite possibly the worst, most stressful week I have ever had at work to top it all off. I will say it was great getting "home" at night with home cooked food to eat and sisters that wanted to serve me dinner! I was able to put my feet up and visit with my mom and sisters which is always a good thing.

So to make us official Missouri residents we got our drivers lisences changed and our cars inspected so we can register them next week. I had 2 more interviews this week and received 3 more offers... I have decided to take the hospital position at Children's Mercy Hospital which was my goal since we found out we were moving to this area! I was thrilled when they offered me 2 jobs. One in a clinic (scheduled days) and the other in the hospital (nights). I was leaning toward the clinic job so we would be able to have childcare lined up but when I expressed my concerns of not being able to switch to days soon the nurse recruiter spoke with the nurse manager who said they will do everything they can to make it happen asap. That made it a no brainer to stay in the hospital to gain more experience... and get paid more! I am very excited to be able to make the switch to pediatric nursing!

Our fence finally was finished this week. The dogs are in heaven. I am pretty sure they had already decided they loved the new house but now it's a sealed deal. They both ran laps around the yard which is about 4 times the size of our old yard. Payton especially has been much more active since the move. I think she is happy to have more space. They both love to sit at the top of the stairs and look down on everything going on.

I will post pictures of the house and my ever growing stomach once I find the cable.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The time has come...

So yesterday Clint and I joined reality and realized we really are moving this week. Scary... yes, exciting... yes, overwhelming... definitely! We honestly have no where near what we need done to move this week but I suppose we will just have to make it all work. Thankfully we have family and friends that love us very much and are willing to help out with getting done what needs to be done. So tomorrow I will finish up what I can, Tuesday is closing and then an interview in Independence, Wednesday is packing, Thursday is loading and heading down to our new home, Friday we will unload and the rest of the weekend we will unpack and attempt to get settled. I head back here for Sunday to work so I hope we get a lot done over the weekend and fit in some rest to. I will miss you Iowa... there will never be another place that will feel quite as much like home.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's a ????

Yep that's right the ultrasound tech couldn't tell! After a half hour of poking, jumping, turning, coughing and everything else we could think of to get the little one to move we gave up. The baby had not only had it's legs crossed but also very stratigically placed it's hands right where we were trying to look! Maybe we have a modest kid or maybe it's just as stubborn as it's parents. I will probably have another ultrasound in 8 weeks, if my OB in KC will let me, so we will give it another shot then. It threw a wrench in to our decorating plans but such is life. Maybe there will be news next time.
Here's a belly pic... 19weeks and 4 days. It has begun.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Tomorrow is the big day... will it be a boy or a girl? Clint and I are excited either way and really just want a happy, healthy baby. We have bedding and names picked out for both. I'm hoping the little one decides to cooperate so we can find out. It's like waiting for Christmas when you're a little kid. All week the excitement has been building. Thankfully Clint will be back for the ultrasound. I can't imagine having to find out alone. I will post what we find out!