Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ho hum

Well, looks like I've slacked a bit. Sorry for the lack of posting. And no, I don't even have a good reason!
So over the last month... not much has changed. I had my first Mothers Day. I spent it painting the house. Clint and Sadie got me gorgeous flowers, a food processor (to make Sadie's baby food), and a seal and save system or something like that. It's one of those that sucks all the air out and is suppose to keep a steak 'fresh' for something crazy like 5 years. We won't be testing that. It was a good day all in all.
I had kind of a low point a couple weeks ago. Just bummed about being here and not in Des Moines. I still haven't really met any friends, I am not a big fan of my new job, and I feel horrible when I have to wake my sleeping baby up in the morning to drop her off for 13 hours for someone else to take care of. My wonderful husband called my parents and had them come down for the weekend to cheer me up. It helped! They hadn't both been here since she was born and that was just a day trip to the hospital and the last couple times we had been in Des Moines I had spent hardly any time with them. I keep trying to keep my chin up but most days I just decide if I can make it through today that's a good day. Sadie and Clint keep my spirits up. There is nothing better then the love of your husband and child.
Clint's territory has been expanded. He is now in charge of all of Western Missouri. It's good experience for him but it means he is gone more and even busier when he is at home. I long for the day he doesn't have to answer his phone at dinner and can spend the evening just hanging out instead of in the basement working. I keep telling myself it will be worth it. He enjoys his job so that makes it worth it.
So my job. Yep, stinks. I was kind of told I was going to a cardiac floor and I kind of am on a medical floor with telemetry (heart monitoring). We occasionally have cardiac patients but most of the patients I see are old news to me. Definitely not the learning experience I was hoping for. So this means I am counting down the days until I can leave. I have already been applying to Labor & Delivery and Postpartum as the have day shifts open. The chance of transferring to another area is slim to none as we are supposed to be in our current position for 6 months before we can switch. My manager is very unorganized and has made it quite apparent that my being there doesn't matter. She doesn't return emails. I am not set up for access to things I should be. The one time I attempted to discuss my frustrations of my orientation with her she was defensive and made excuses for most everything I had to say. Bottom line. I'm not happy and I will be leaving when I find something else.
The dogs are doing good. They are much happier here then they were in Des Moines but are obviously feeling neglected now that Sadie is here. They are no longer allowed on the furniture and they don't sleep in bed anymore which I think is hard for them. They mind very well though and rarely attempt to get up on anything. They seem to handle having a baby around pretty good. Geordie is much more interested then Payton but Payton is warming up to her.
Sadie is awesome. We had her 4 month appointment today. She is 13lbs 7oz! She had a huge growth spurt in the last 2 weeks. Putting her back on track with other kiddos her age! We had round 2 of shots which went okay. I took her by my self and was so worried but she calmed down pretty quick and I sat in the waiting room and gave her a bottle a rocked her to sleep before we left. She is rolling both ways now and is scooting toward toys. She chews on everything and is a drool machine! We started cereal last week. She still has quite the tongue thrust but gets about 50% of it down. She is sitting with assistance from her boppy pillow and loves her exersaucer! She gets so excited when she gets it to sing to her! We finally put away the rest of the newborn clothes about 2 weeks ago! Oh and I stopped pumping. It became too much of a hassle and was so time consuming. I stopped pumping a couple weeks ago. It became too much of a hassle and was so time consuming. Now I have more time to spend with her. I pumped enough for her to have a bottle a day for a month so that's a bonus. I just love watching her grow and develop. She is definitely the bright spot in my life! I am so thankful for her!