Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sadie's first baseball game

Jason & Christine came down this weekend and we went to the Royals vs Twins game. The Twins won but it was a great game and we all had a good time. Luckily we were underneath one of the overhangs so we didn't have to deal with the wind or rain! Sadie did awesome and slept through innings 2-8! FYI: We will not be expecting Sadie to become a Royals fan... Go Cubbies!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can you tell I went back to work?!

I obviously have not had a lot of extra time on my hands. I went back to work 2 days before Sadie was 7 weeks old... 4 weeks ago and have been trying to make the adjustment. I went back to Children's for 3 weeks and then last week switched to Centerpoint. I will be working with adults on the Cardiac floor and will be on days! To make it even better the hospital is only 15 minutes from home and Sadie's daycare is right behind it!

This brings up that Sadie will be starting daycare this week. BIG TEAR! I am trying so hard to be strong about this and realize it had to happen sometime. Inside I am completely torn up and just want to bawl because I don't want to leave her with someone that isn't family. Miss Amber is very nice and we like her but she just isn't mommy or daddy or grandma or anyone else I have let watch her so far. I have the joy of dropping her off tomorrow morning and am worried about being able to pull myself away and walk out the door. I can and I will I just don't want to. I hope Clint can get there early to pick her up.

So Sadie is almost 10 weeks old. WOW! Time is flying by. She is so much more alert. She sleeps through the night some times but usually is still up once. She is great at focusing and following movement. She is working on grasping things as she just bats at her toys a lot right now. She rolled over last week... sure we tucked her arm under for her but she did it! She is just a joy to have in our lives and we thank God for her each and every day. We love being parents!

2 months in her chair:

2 month photos at home:

Resul of her 2 month check up: