Sunday, November 30, 2008

long time

Okay so it's been a few months since I have written anything. I will try to get better about that. I won't promise a new post every day or even every other but I will shoot for weekly. Maybe it will just have to be scheduled in.

So in the last few months...
September: I passed NCLEX (the license test for registered nurses) and officially became a Registered Nurse on the 19th! It was oh so stressful and I will never forget the panic that set in when the computer shut off at 75 questions. I literally wanted to pick up the screen and give it a good shake. I walked out not knowing if I should cry, laugh, scream, or just crawl under a rock for the next 48 hours until I could find out the results. I found out on Sunday... or should I say Clint did. I had him look first and tell me if I should look or not. September 19th also marked our 1 year anniversary of our home. We have done so much to our house since we got it yet it seems like there is so much more to do before we could sell it. I am starting to think I will just have to deal with feeling that way. There is always something else to do. Clint was gone every other week in September for work. It was rough but it made the time we did have together that much better.
October: Clint's band, The Vandon Arms, played RIOT fest in Chicago in October. It's a big deal there and they were very honored to be on the ticket. Clint also went to Kansas City in October with "the guys" to see a Chicago Fire soccer game. The pictures and stories make it seem like they had a great time! He was gone a lot in October as well. I think he was in town for 1 week the whole month. ho hum, such is life. My October brought a huge sigh of relief to our household as I landed my first nursing job. On October 3rd I was offered a job at Methodist Hospital here in Des Moines on the Neurology and Trauma floor! No it's not kiddos BUT it's a great place to start as I see just about everything! I officially started on the 15th and have been loving it so far. I am amazed at the strength of some of the patients and family. They have taught me just as much about life as I have learned about nursing.
November: Well the month started off as a bummer for us as not only congress but also the presidency will now be Democratic. We will put out faith in Senator Obama and pray for him and our leaders. We are choosing to believe that this is the best choice for our country. Everything happens for a reason. On election day friends of ours began their family as their twins made their arrival. They were early but were able to go home this weekend! Way to go Beckett and Bella! As we all know this last week was Thanksgiving. We were so blessed to be able to spend time with our families and not have to work! It was a jam packed weekend but I wouldn't trade family time for anything in the world. We took Payton in for her annual check up and shots the day after Thanksgiving. Clint and Geordie went with us (this was Clint's first trip and thank goodness he was there to lift Payton up on to the table for me! Thanks babe!). We had them both weighed as always. Payton has lost a pound and is now 73lbs... Geordie however has gained more weight (a total of 25lbs since we got her a year and a half ago). She is now tipping the scales at 88lbs and will probably gain a few more!

So that is a quick update on the Meek family... I will work on posting more frequently!